Friday, September 28, 2018

Zippity Doo Dah --- Where is Mr. Bluebird?

So unless you are living under a rock, you are aware of the chaos going on in our government.  I am not going to discuss it but brought it up because I thought - what a better day to blog and try to divert the attention of the massive storm occurring.

I went to two places this morning and it just amazed me how the "Political Storm" is creating havoc like a full moon.  People are short tempered and unkind.  I have valued and instilled the values in my kids - "You treat others how you would want to be treated".  This is not a difficult task.  We all have bad moments or days.  We never know what someone else is facing.  We cannot control others but we can control our own behavior.  If everyone can try a little harder maybe "Mr. Blue Bird" shall land on your shoulder.

Ok, that was a bit intense but I just don't understand why people have to be so ugly!!!


New Home Update:

We spent all day last Saturday with our electrician finalizing the rough in.  I'm sure I have missed a light or switch but we do have a lot. So it is what it is.  The framers did not show up but they are coming this Saturday - (so I was told).  We had a beam of steele installed for the porch yesterday before the rain. Once the framer gets his part done a lot more can happen.  FINGERS AND TOES CROSSED!!


I was reminded by a friend "Linda W" about a situation that occurred about a month ago.  It's actually a Public Service Announcement.  I had to learn the hard way.  So here is what happened.............

I was bringing items to a consignment shop and had all the nicely ironed and hung items laying in my hatch back of my Ford Edge. The clouds were rolling in while I was unloading.  I went to get the last load and had the back hatch opened when the rain came down so hard I though I was being sprayed with a garden hose.  So I quickly jumped into the hatchback/trunk and pushed the electric door button to close the hatch.  Once the door closed I had realized I left my keys in the front seat as well as my phone and my starbucks latte. I sat and waited for the rain to let up which seemed like forever but it was about 5 min. I then pushed the button that closed me in the car but to my surprise it does not open from the inside when the door is closed.  Now what? I laughed for at least 2 minutes of my alone time.  Then I looked out the window and realized I can't see the owner of the shop who had come out for smoke and it's getting hot in the car.  So I look to the middle row of seats and unless I could make myself into "flat Stanley" I wasn't getting into the back seat.  This had become a MacGyver moment.  So I decided to take the middle headrest out.  That at least gave me enough space to squeeze myself through, flip over the seat and then open the back side door manually.  I saw the owner and asked her if she was entertained waiting for the rain to end.  She said she didn't know I was even stuck in the car.  So the public service announcement in summary is if you are going to shut yourself in the car make sure you have Keys in Hand!

I love to share some Yummy Recipes when I find them so hee you go............

I made this with Zoodles this week and loved it.  If you do not know what Zoodles are they are Zucchini strips that look like spaghetti but are zucchini. 

Skinny Chicken Piccata

Have a great weekend everyone! Take time to do something you enjoy and most of all something nice big or small for someone to make them smile.


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