Saturday, December 20, 2014

I'm still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, soooooooooo much to catch up on ..........I'm slacking but I'm sure we are all in the same boat.......!!!!!!!! (wish I was on a big boat just sailing!)

I am looking forward to my Sydney coming tomorrow. Her first trip alone here so I'll be a nervous wreck until she gets here.  But once she arrives life will be amazing!  LOVE HER MOST!!!!!!

So grab a tea, a cup of coffee or something - it's time to catch up. 

The weekend of December 4 - 7:

My trip to Menasha, Wisconsin to The Gathering.  What a great time.  I LOVE going there. Good food, great company and lots of fun and laughter. And of course shopping at Primitive Gathering. I always say - "there's nothing I can possibly need" - yeah right! LOL. I filled all 3 suitcases. I was very productive - I got three quilt tops done.  I met some new ladies and just as wonderful as the others.  Can't wait to go back in July. The Friday I was there was my Anniversary.  Keith sent flowers and chocolate.  Lisa's mom Terry enjoys the annual arrival with me. I can't take the flowers home so she enjoys them after I depart.  He also sends enough chocolate for us all to enjoy.  

I roomed with Chris this trip and we had such great talks and laughs we didn't go to bed before 3am Fri and Sat. I have to say - she is the Queen of packing. She bought as much if not more than me and got it all into one suitcase. However, when we got to security the suitcase was so dense (she didn't check her bag) that she had to unpack almost all of it. But she had it to a science and got it right back together. Very impressive.

Lisa's cousin Mary, who I named "sister mary carol" - long story........learned how to use glue sticks (pink ones) to English Paper piece but I don't know if the paper's will ever be removed.  She is the only one I ever taught how to do this that her papers were so stuck in - and...........she used 2 glue stick refills within a few hours. I told her "just a dab" but her dab and my dab were very different. Mary.......did you ever get the papers out?  I guess you won't have to starch the project when your done if you don't.  LOL..........just sayin'.

Then Jan dropped a needle and with a snatch of her head lamp- Chris came to the rescue.

I made the ladies scissor fobs and needleminders. Note if you have a needleminder DO NOT PLACE ON YOUR LAPTOP.  I erased my entire hard drive.  

I had a lot of fun making these and plan to make more. 

The weather wasn't as bad this year - last year it was single digits.  This year in the 30's.  It was actually a lot colder when I got back into Raleigh. Keith picked me up and we enjoyed a nice dinner with Austin and Mia at Brio's. It was an amazing weekend all around. 

Since my return home I've been going to Physical Therapy for my knee - I received an injection on Thursday that made me feel like a million dollars! I got the Ortho to shoot a cortizone shot in it after the PT had me doing lunges and squats that about killed me. The price was "you know you're not 20 anymore" well no "#%#W$%Q#".  LOL. So he wants me to swim 3 times a week. I'm off to the gym tomorrow to renew and start the indoor swimming. 

Tuesday the 9th of December - we had our Holiday celebration with our Recipe card group.  We had a dirty santa with Ornaments.  I got a very cute Santa ornament.  I'll post a picture once it's on the tree. 

Keith was supposed to have shoulder surger on the 19th of December but now that is pushed off until January 9. It's going to be difficult. He's not one to sit still. But hopefully he will listen. 

Chanukah started the 16th and ends Tuesday night (I think) so tonight we celebrated Chanukah with Austin's girlfriend Mia and their friends Teddy, Shane and Kevin. It was their first time eating Potato Pancakes and Brisket.  But wow......they ate well!.  Some had sour Cream with their pancakes and some apple sauce. I went through a whole 5 lb. bag of potatoes.  I'm going to save a few for Syd - she didn't have any this year, and a bring some to my friend Suzanne. Justin hasn't had his share yet either.

I spent one day last weekend making "Ugly Christmas Shirts" with Rachel.  We aquired things from the Thrift Store, Goodwill, Michaels and such. We used my Acuquilt Cutter for shapes and added the trinkets found.  Rachel did 90% of the work and did an amazing job. Here is what she made.  She said the kids loved the Jingle Bell suspenders the best.

I also made these stocking holders.  Not quite done in picture and I think I want to stain to vintage them a bit with some polyurethane next year. 

I've since put white hooks on the bottoms and I'll get another picture when the stockings are hung. 

We went last Sunday and bought our tree and it is awaiting Miss Sydney's arrival to be decorated. 

 This is about all the decorating I've gotten done. 

Thursday we had a little Holiday Party for my Thursday stitching group.  Donna from the group made a great luncheon. Tea sandwiches and amazing desserts. 

Here is a picture of some great treats I received. Homemade candy and cranberry chutney. 

So the rest of the week will go fast.  I have 3 quilts to bind, presents to wrap and a trip to the mall with Syd. Grocery shopping, baking and cooking.  My older sister and her husband arrive Wed to celebrate Christmas with us.  I am looking foward to a small quiet Christmas.  My Christmas wish this year is to be in our new home next year.  

So with all the chaos to come - I sign off until after Christmas.  Wishing you and yours a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and Best Wishes for the New Year.  

Everyone be safe. 

Hugs from NC

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